Monday, November 1, 2010

Opening my eyes.

This has been a wildly crazy month!  Good and Bad!  God has opened my eyes to a lot of things.  Our van broke down, our truck broke down, my husband is having severe back pain....and the good stuff is God performed a MIRACLE and had a $700.00 doctor bill wiped out for us, I've realized some things with my kids, and my husband and I got to go on a date today!

When the truck broke down, I actually didn't worry about it!  I gave it to God and knew it he would take care of it!  And of course, he DID!  But in the process of him taking care of it, I learned a lesson.  My hubby's back started giving him problems Friday and it was so bad he was walking around stiff and could barely move.  He called some people and asked if anyone could help him fix the truck, but noone had time.  At first, I was very upset.  He will do anything for anyone at the drop of a hat.  There have been several times he's had to sacrifice time with us so he could help someone else.  I used to get really mad about it, but now I understand he has a servant's heart, and I'm learning to let it go and love him more and more each time he goes to help someone. 

God reminded me that even when we do nice things for others, we SHOULD NOT expect anything in return.  Now don't get me wrong!  When we do nice things for people, we don't do these things so they will do something nice for us.....but when push comes to shove, yes we would appreciate some help.  So, I've learned and been reminded that we should always show kindness to others NO MATTER WHAT! 

I'm finally getting it!

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